

Robert Osborne 施子卿

LSU Summer in China

May 30 – July 1, 2001


A log of my adventures, observations, and curiosities.


Transcribed from my handwritten journal I wrote along the way.  Edited for clarity and content.

 [Braketed italics] indicate thoughts added after the initial writing.


Note that the level of detail from day-to-day varies due to several factors, including my interest in that day’s events and how tired I was at the time of writing.


This page makes some use of Chinese characters. You must have Chinese fonts installed on your computer if you wish to view them properly.



May 30-31 Fly to Beijing June 17-18 Hukou  壺口
June 1-3 Beijing  北京 June 19 Xi'an  西安
June 4-5 Xi'an  西安 June 20-22 Chengdu  成都
June 6-7 Dunhuang  敦煌 June 23-24 Jiu Zhai Gou  九寨溝
June 8-9 Turpan  吐魯番 June 25 Highlands 高山
June 10-12 Kashgar  喀 June 26-29 Chengdu  成都
June 13 Urumqi  烏魯木齊 June 30-July 1 Beijing  北京
June 14-16 Xi'an  西安 July 1 Fly to Baton Rouge

Cast & Crew



Map of China:


Links to other cool places:

Kam Leung's web site - Kam lives in Hong Kong and has several great travel logs, mostly within Asia.
Ramin Zamanian's Travel Site
- Ramin and I have been friends since high school.  He's traveled all over the place.
Mandarin Tools.com - Great Chinese tools.
Zhongwen.com - Chinese characters & culture.  (Zhongwen = 中文 = "Chinese language")
My main page


All original materials on this webpage (and all sub-pages) are Copyright 2001-2002 by Robert Osborne.
No such materials are to be redistributed without permission.